Monday, October 21, 2013

Paul changed and Peter changed, so LaCheston can change.

By: Minister LaCheston Moore

A couple years ago, I despised music artist that went from hip-hop, rap or R&B to gospel.  I honestly felt as if they only decided to pursue a music career in Gospel because they had no success in their first choice of genre.  Well I’ve been forced to look back on my opinion of these people as I have found salvation of the same nature.

For those of you that know me, then you know that I have been known for music, frat guy, partying, party promoter, and most importantly, a businessman.  It has been through grace and mercy that God has held me all these years, but the same guy that thought musicians that did not seek him first had alternative motives in pursuing Gospel music simply for a promising career and money; is the same guy that has also been delivered and accepted the calling of God and its sincerely not for a career or money.  However, it is to glorify his name and in the words of Elder James Earl Cray, “save one soul at a time.”

It is with grace and mercy that we are all saved.  But to the answer of a calling, one must be of the elite “300”. 

In 2009, I took part in a play written and directed by Elder James Earl Cray at Troy University.  During this play one of my lines was, “If Paul can change and Peter can change, then Maurice (the character from the play) is subject to change.”  I never thought that this would come to pass; however, my message today is that we are all subject to change and become more Christian-like to do the work of God.

In the Bible, Paul was a man that defied the church and everything that it stood for.  He ordered the slaughtering of many church people both men and women.  However, after Jesus spoke to him on the road to Damascus this revelation caused a dramatic change in which Paul became of humble servant of the word.

Peter was a disciple of Jesus that was extremely close to him.  However, he would be the first and only to disown him when he was arrested, but he repented and was forgiven.  Peter would later preach the Pentecost that saved 3000 people through the grace of Christ.

I say this to any and all that may read this, that God is alive and well, for he lives in all of us that accept him as Lord and our Savior.  Sometime we seek the wrong things, but know that there are better days to come.  My life is definitely a living testimony.  However, Pastor Kelvin Bryant of Faith Walkers Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama tells us, “Fear nothing that you have been through or where you are because it is all a set up.”

The message has been laid upon my heart to simply let those who may be exposed this blog know that God has a plan for us all.  Through his grace and mercy he has showed me where I am headed.  You may not receive him through me because of whom I am and where I’ve come from.  However, I do simply request that you find God and your relationship with him for yourself.  For eternal life will be revealed through his divine intervention with you. 

I’ve confessed with my mouth and I believe in my heart that Jesus died for my sins.  And though I have been a businessman that promoted to bring people to clubs and parties for years; I’ve simply left that behind to bring souls closer to Jesus Christ and in the house of the Lord.

So to my family, friends, and business partners, when you see my tweets about the word, retweet them as you would do an event I was promoting.  Like my Instagram postings so that they may generate through the news feed so that other people can see them.  Email a friend a blog that you’ve read that may be that inspiration they need for the day.  Bring your girls and your boys to church to worship with you.  If you can be a believer by having faith the size of a mustard seed, than you can do the smallest work for the man above.  I promise you that it will all take its place and God will begin to show you things.

I’ve said this all to simply say that we all can change and we all have a purpose.  I respect and love my Pastor, Pastor Tadera White of the Greater New Heights Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, as I am currently under the direction of him there.  I will be preaching my initial sermon (trail sermon) on November 17, 2013 at 11:00 a.m.  I’m asking for all family, friends, and associates to come out and worship with us on that day.