Tuesday, July 15, 2014

1st Annual All-Star Weekend at Evergreen

"Take A Shot for Education" Basketball Tournament.
All proceeds will be donated to the
Moore Means More Scholarship Fund (Foundation).
The “All Star Weekend at Evergreen” was originally found by LaCheston Moore of Evergreen, Alabama.  The idea was generated from a fellow fraternity brother that was met while attending Troy University in Troy, Alabama.  One must give credit where credit is due, therefore identifying Elder James Earl Cray as the motivation and inspiration behind this event, kudos to you.

Elder James Earl Cray, Founder & President
Annual All-Star Weekend at Hazlehurtst, Georgia
As for Elder Cray better known as “JE,” this marks his 10th year for the “All Star Weekend at Hazlehurst” in Hazlehurst, Georgia.  Since its beginning, this weekend has become an event that “the Hurst” and surrounding areas look forward to every year.  Not only has the event grown and became one of the main attractions besides the 4th of July in this small city.  JE’s ministry has begun to spread throughout the Southern Region of the United States (Alabama, Georgia, and Florida).  A powerful man of God he is as his ministry has encouraged him to be just that more active in his community as he has become an icon in the Hazlehurst community.

Valerie Walton-Tolbert
Director of Volunteers
LaCheston Moore
Founder & President
While at Troy University, when choosing a Fraternity to join, this can be a process of its own.  It is very rare that a member or members of the fraternity will seek you out nowadays.  Well I just so happen to be one person that JE sat down and talked to personally about the life of a Sigma.  During that conversation, I would have never guessed that a couple years later that he would be talking to me about God.  When the people say that God makes no mistakes when he places certain people in your life; I truly think that he had JE and I in mind. 

Brittany Jones
Director of Finances & Publicist
JE talked to me many summers about coming to Hazlehurst to support his weekend and see if it would be something that I would be interested in bringing to my hometown one day.  Well as it has already been noted via the Facebook introduction of Moore Means More Scholarship Fund (Foundation), I never went.  But we talked about getting everything started and now the “1st Annual Weekend at Evergreen” has been born.

Shiquita Lee-Fulton
Considering the events that would take place that weekend, some thought had to be put into what to do with the funds that would be raised.  There was the thought of letting it remain in an account for general operation of next year’s event and there was the thought of awarding it to some high school graduate getting ready to pursue college.  The decision was unanimous as there is always a child that needs financial assistance in pursing their dream education at a great university.

Sophia Johnson
Chief Operations Officer
The planning had started and once people started getting involved, everyone was excited.  I had been relaying information back to JE about the progress that the foundation and the week was making and he was excited as well.  The events included: a comedy show, a 5k walk & run, basketball tournament, a fun day for the children, and a career day for the teens.  There was literally something for everyone in the city of Evergreen to do doing the weekend extravaganza. 

Rev. Kenneth Kidd, Pastor
First Baptist Church
Evergreen, Alabama
But because it was in its beginning stages, the weekend lacked sponsorship's, our manpower took a deep turn, and it seemed as if the weekend would be a disaster. But GOD!!!  I called JE up and told him about what was going on and he told me the same thing had happen to him when he first started off.  He told me to stay encourage, trust in the people that were dedicated to seeing the weekend through and do the best that we could.  And for that, I thank you JE for the encouraging words; I thank you Bell Riley for making the process easy with the gym and contacting Pastor Kidd of the First Baptist Church in Evergreen;  I thank you Valerie Walton-Tolbert for sticking it out with me when it seemed like it wasn't gone fall through; I thank you Brittany Jones for answering your phone every time I call about something that I couldn't handle because I am not in Evergreen; I thank you Shiquita Lee-Fulton for being committed and staying on the team; Sophia Johnson, you’re the best, you came on board and have been a workaholic ever since; Pastor Kidd, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to spread the gospel at your church; And finally, to everyone in Evergreen that plans on attending the events planned for this year, I want to say thank you in advance.  Just know that your spirit, encouragement, and participation will not go in vain.  Everything that the foundation is doing is for the better good of the graduating students and our community.  We are gone to make the best of this experience as best we can and we look forward to seeing everyone that can make it.  God Bless and God Bless! 
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For additional information, please see our website at: www.takeashot.eventzilla.net