Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Ladies...Don't Make It Hard For The Next Woman!!"

By: LaCheston Moore

While at work tonight, I decided to throw on my headphones and listen to some music while prepping for the work-night.  Due to me having to which phones, all of my normal music was not on my new device.  So I start all the songs in this particular phone on random and started to do my regular.  Now the first song to come on was K. Michelle, “Can’t Raise A Man.”  If I were to be honest about this song and my playlist, I’d normally just hit the next button because I don’t even know why I purchased it three years ago anyway.  But for some strange reason, I decided to listen to it.  And in doing so, there’s one small thing that could be major in someone’s life that I want to share with you all, especially the ladies.  “Don’t Make it Hard for the Next Woman!”

Yes, your exactly correct, this one is about to get interesting.  In this ballot, K. Michelle goes on to say, “You can’t raise a man, he’s already grown, what you gonna do?  You wonder why he acts like a boy; It’s cause he wasn’t raise right before you; Girl, you ain’t never gonna change nobody; If he don’t wanna, you can’t make nobody; Cause you can’t raise a man, no, no” (“K. Michelle – Can’t Raise A Man).

Now the part that stood out to me, caught my attention and made me think was when she said, “It’s cause he wasn’t raised right before you” (“K. Michelle – Can’t Raise A Man).  Now I may be wrong on this, but I’m gone go at it anyway.  You know how we preachers are.  Everything that we hear or see, we believe for it to have a message in it.   I honestly believe that K. Michelle isn’t only talking about how this guy was raised inside of his household (his growing habitat), but she is also talking about his growth from his previous relationship.  With over 50 percent of the world being women, there was a poll taking by MSN that stated, "26 percent of woman are more-so attracted to guys that are just drop dead handsome ("The Top 20 Traits Women Want In A Man").  However, this also suggest that there is 24 percent of women in the world that don't necessarily need you to be Morris Chestnut, Michael Ealy or even Idris Elba.  They just want you to be a decent, faithful, thoughtful, responsible, and God-Fearing guy.  Needless to say, “ladies what are you accepting?”
I think that we as men have a tendency to get set in our ways extremely faster than women.  We tend to gripe about things that we are not gone to compromise about and we look at the situation as “it is simply what it is.”  One reason this is, regardless of how you want to look at it.  There are approximately 3.2 Million people in the United States (Google).  Of those 3.2 Million 50.8 percent are females and the remanding 49.2 percent are males.  So you can be on the Beyonce, “I can have another you in a minute” all you want.  But the reality of it is, men will not give into or show appreciation to a woman that has no concreteness or stature about herself.  Beyonce may have said it best, but men actually have more options in potential mates than woman (not to say that just because there’s a higher percentage of women, that men are guaranteed a better quality of women).

What does all this mean?  “A woman that stands for something will not fall for anything.”  Do not get it twisted, this is what men seek when it comes to that woman you want to put the ring on.  But for every single woman that lacks what has just been mentioned, you honestly make it harder for the next woman.  One woman accepting being mistreated, not nurtured and cared for, not appreciated sets off a ripple effect for all women that come after her.  Due to him consequently not learning anything, now the next woman he meets or encounters is supposed to be acceptable of him treating and doing her any kind of way; for this is now what he is used to.  He wasn’t taught anything about the things that women desire, admire and love in previous relationships like:  passion, confidence, faithfulness, dependability, generosity, and kindness, exemplify the ideal dad, or simply making his woman laugh and feel comfortable (Illuminati).  He has now become this person that only wants to “knock you up or knock you out;” All because what he thinks is acceptable and this has now become his norm.  But this message on today is to give you your voice back!  Just tell them him in your Kevin Hart voice, “you gone learn today!!”  Instead of settling and being a victim to nonsense, know that as a child of God that you are a blessing!  As a woman you are a blessing!  And your potential standing-up, for how a woman should be treated, could create a possible opportunity for another woman to be blessed through your failures.  Instead of her enduring continued unwanted pains in an unnecessary burden.  So ladies, “Don’t Make it Hard for the Next Woman!!”    

But one last thing I want to point out to you ladies is that even though the man is the head, you are still a “tone-setter!”  Notice that I did not say “trendsetter,”  that term has already went to the head of way to many women that can’t even maintain what truly matters in life, for trying to keep up with a lifestyle they honestly can’t maintain.  For all my old-folk reading this blog, my mom use to always tell me, “Son…you can’t live a champagne life making Kool-Aide money (holler if you hear me)!” 

So ladies, if you will indulge the term of being a “tone-setter” for just a moment, please allow me to elaborate, as this will transition us back to our overall topic of, “Ladies, Don’t Make it Hard for the Next Woman!” To all the women that are “tone-setters” and regardless of the situation you have decreed not to stand for mediocre because you have a standard about who you are willing to accept in your life; this part of the message is for you.  God never said that it would be easy!  He never said that all your good-doing, all your fasting’s, and all your praying wouldn’t land you some potential bombs.  But in order for you to stay true to yourself, the stature that you have put in place, this means not accepting defeat.  Take it as a grain of salt, learn from it.  But most of all make sure that it’s a learning process for everyone involved.  You have to know that you not accepting defeat or the altering of your character is where your blessings is gone to come from.  Stay grounded!!  God did promise us one thing in the end, that we’d be victorious.  So keep your head up, standards up, and remember to help out the person that’s potentially coming behind you.

In closing, I’d just like to point out one more thing.  When you’ve accepted Christ into your life, you accepted new standards for everything.  Jesus loved and still loves everyone more than what we could even imagine.  So ladies if you’re considering your next man.  Consider these couple of things for me: (1) Jesus gave us a perfect example of what to strive to be.  Therefore, if he isn’t trying to be Christ-like, he’s not for you anyway; (2) Christ gave His life so that we may live, so that we may enjoy the treasures of life while here on earth.  If he’s not willing to go over and beyond for you, then he’s not for you anyway (however, keep in mind that you need to be worth going over and beyond for); (3) the bible tells us that we will live like Kings and Queens in Mansions in heaven.  If you don’t feel like you the Queen of your mansion (no matter if it’s a apartment, studio, or starter-home) or he isn’t trying to put you in a house that you-all can call home, he’s not for you anyway; and (4) when Christ died on the cross.  He gave the ultimate sacrifice so that you can be all that you are right now.  He loved us through His living and even more through His death.  Ladies, if that brother doesn’t have no decent insurance to help you out when he passes away to make sure your okay and good on some of the promises that that joker made you while he was living, he’s not the one for you (Just a little humor there at the end).


Delistraty, Cody. "9 Ways Most People Ruin Their Own Relationships". Thought Catalog. N.p., 2013. Web. 26 July 2016.

Illuminati, Chris. "The 10 Most Important Qualities Women Look For In A Guy". AskMen. N.p., 2016. Web. 26 July 2016.

"K. Michelle – Can't Raise A Man". Genius. N.p., 2016. Web. 26 July 2016.

"The Top 20 Traits Women Want In A Man". MSN. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 July 2016.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Desiree Washington set for Cape Town, South Africa - "One From Within Our Ranks"

"One From Within Our Ranks"
By: LaCheston T. Moore

Desiree Washington, UWA Student, BOSS Member
“For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have” (2 Corinthians 8:12).  In this verse, the word declares that we can all reach out and help someone in some way, shape, form or fashion.  Regardless of rather its prayer, devoting time to the success of one’s mission or giving financially. 

Cape Town, South Africa

Here at the Inspirational Cornerstone we’d like to highlight Ms. Desiree M. Washington, a 19-year-old student from Mobile, Alabama that attends The University of West Alabama.  She was recently awarded the opportunity to travel to Cape Town, South Africa on a mission trip to provide educational need for less fortunate children in this part of the world.   Throughout the duration of this article, Washington answers a few brief questions on what the opportunity means to her and how she feels it inspires and drives her to be exactly what God has called her to be.

How can I help or how can I make a difference in any given situation is a question that you always seems to hear from a loving and caring person.  Well in today’s time, you’ll find many different outlets rather they are non-profit groups, alumni associations, foundations, or for profit companies attempting to better education and opportunities for our young adults.  Well this is an attempt to support and uplift one of our very own from within the Christian ranks.  What better way to invest the “American Dollar” than on an “American Dream” and the mind of a promising student with a bright future that loves Christ.

The first two questions that we asked Washington was, what do you feel is your “mission” and “purpose” here on earth?  She responded by sharing that, “My overall mission here on earth is to be exactly what God has called me to be.  I want to be a vessel for Him to utilize how he sees fit.  As far as my purpose, I believe God has called me to educate children in low income communities and shed the love of Him on their lives.  God has called me to give HOPE.” 
The mission trip presented itself to Washington through professor and her college advisor Dr. Mustafa Morsy.  Morsy expressed that, “Washington is part of the BOSS (Biology Opportunity and Scholarship for Success) program at the university which requires certain credentials per student and she qualified for not only the program, but the mission trip as well.”

As we proceeded with the interview, we went on to ask Washington “What do you wish to accomplish while you are gone?”  She tells us that, “I plan to learn from the young children that I encounter.  As well as develop and interpret the type of love that they have and understand their culture.  I am hoping to make a difference in not only their education, but also their hearts.”

Desiree has taking it upon herself to promote God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  She is taking her faith with her on the path in which she believes God has laid out for her.  We asked her a final question as we concluded the interview and it was very simple.  “If you could give anyone any advice on ways to better the world or themselves, what would it be?”  As humbly as she could, she simply replies, “Open your heart and love, because “LOVE” is the greatest of all things.”

Desiree with Family
The Inspirational Cornerstone has noticed Desiree Washington for her ambitions, her drive, and her love of Christ.  What better candidate to send around the world for experience, than a God-Fearing young lady that wants to do the will of God.  We are attempting to utilize our platform to aid her in raising the funds to ensure the trip possible.  So if you can find it in your heart to support her in any way possible, she’s accepting all donations as well as the purchasing of a shirt that will help with travel and trip expenses.

So in closing, if you have another quick two minutes, we’d like to pray for Desiree, the possibilities of this mission trip, and all those that will be traveling with her:
 Dearly and Most Gracious Father, O how we simply thank you for another submitting vessel to carry the love of you and your only begotten Son throughout the corners of the world.  Father right now we pray in a mighty way that this article finds its itself in the hearts of those that are givers, those that are evangelist to help spread the word, those that know the goodness of you and know that you are able to move as you see fit.  Father, right now, we pray over Desiree, we pray over everything that her heart desires; everything that she believes to be the will of you Father, we pray collectively as a whole that she allows herself too continuously to be used so that everything will come to past. Father we thank you right now for what you are getting ready to do in this season of Desiree’s life.  We thank you for everything that you have keep her from and the mindset to keep her mind and heart towards the hills in which her help comes from.  We are believing right now Father that you will pave the way for success for Desiree.  Not only with this trip, but with her family, her cousins, her peers, and all of those that come in contact with her.  Lastly, but never least, and most certainly not my last prayer, but Father, everyone that has a giving heart on today, I pray that you restore them one-hundred fold Father.  Your word declares that “Give, and it will be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with measure you use, it will be measured into you.”  God we believe in you because your word declares that our faith will get us through trusting in you.  As we ask for continued Grace and Mercy to cover us; All of these things, I ask, in the only wise name that matter, your Son Jesus Christ, AMEN! 

Ways to Support Desiree...
Purchase a T-Shirt for $20 
Link to Purchase t-shirt:  www.booster.com/DeeGoingToAfrica2016

Support by Giving